Kokkos training

The CExA team, together with Damien Lebrun-Grandie (ORNL) and Luc Berger-Vergiat (SNL), are happy to welcome you again for our next Kokkos training days.
The Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Ecosystem is a production level solution for writing modern applications in a hardware agnostic way. It is part of the US Department of Energies Exascale Project. The Ecosystem consists of multiple libraries addressing the primary concerns for developing and maintaining applications in a portable way. The three main components are the Kokkos Core Programming Model, the Kokkos Kernels Math Libraries and the Kokkos Profiling and Debugging Tools.
Learn more about Kokkos, meet Kokkos developers, share about your experience, join the Kokkos community and more!
Find out more at https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/e/kokkos_days
- Where: Digiteo building, Saclay, how to come
- When: June, the 17th, 2024.
- Agenda